
Wednesday 23 April 2014

Your human capital...are ready..for big competition and high performance for strong partnership?

Your human capital...are ready..for big competition and high performance for strong partnership?

People And Community

Human Capital

CapitaLand recognises the importance of managing and developing its staff. Its credo of "Building People to Build for People" means training its employees to achieve at an optimal level of performance, aligning their personal goals with the company and creating a positive work environment where everyone can contribute effectively. People are integral to the success of the company and CapitaLand has incorporated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to develop a talented, motivated and healthy workforce. This is CapitaLand's integrated human capital strategy.
Fair and Diverse Workplace
With a workforce of close to 11,000 employees worldwide, CapitaLand is committed to be a workplace of choice for its employees. CapitaLand firmly believes in the practice of fair employment and in Singapore, it has signed the Employers Pledge for Fair Employment Practices with The Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP)1. This also guides the thinking for CapitaLand's global operations.
In accordance with CapitaLand's policy on non-discrimination and fairness, it adheres to clear guidelines in the recruitment process. Recruitment advertisements placed in newspapers and recruiting websites do not indicate ethnic, age or gender preferences. In 2010, there were no reports of any incidence of discrimination.
CapitaLand identifies talent both internally and externally to build its talent pipeline for succession planning and bench strength. This ranges from undergraduates, fresh graduates to mid-career professionals to "silver-haired" industry veterans. As an international company, CapitaLand embraces diversity in various aspects including different cultures, nationalities and languages. CapitaLand believes that regardless of ethnicity, age or gender, employees can make a significant contribution based on their talent, expertise and experience.

Others* - This refers to the various nationalities ranging from India and Japan to countries such as Lithuania, Portugal and the United Kingdom.
CapitaLand makes a conscious effort to recruit people at different points in their careers to ensure depth and breadth in its talent pool. The majority of the CapitaLand global workforce is between the age of 30 and 50.
In a 2010 survey by executive search firm PeopleSearch and Boardroom Research, Gen Y respondents voted CapitaLand one of the companies they most desired to work for.

Recruiting "Silver Hairs"
CapitaLand has been recruiting experienced "silver haired" professionals, to benefit from their wisdom and varied experiences, and to support the younger leadership team. These senior officers, who have considerable specialised expertise and experience, further strengthen the management bandwidth and support the CEOs as they expand and develop the various businesses. They relieve the CEOs and their management staff to focus on their strategic business operations. In CapitaLand, these "silver hairs" oversee portfolios like security, training and corporate ethics.
Former assistant commissioner with the Singapore Police Force Mr Lim Soo Gee heads the Corporate Security and Investigation (CSI) division which is responsible for all matters relating to security and investigations in the CapitaLand Group. These include developing security and investigative programmes, policies and procedures, ensuring a high standard of security in the Group's properties, assessment and management of security risks, providing strategic interventions, maintaining liaison with the group's strategic partners, as well as sharing of security and safety and Investigative best practices with its employees. "I am a facilitator; I want to impart my knowledge to them." says Mr Lim Soo Gee.
Mr Lee Tiong Peng, Senior Vice President of the CapitaLand Institute of Management and Business, started his career as a teacher and went on to be a lecturer, training manager, human resource director and manpower consultant.
Former managing director of Eastgate Technology Mr Leow Siew Beng is Senior Vice President, Organisational Development in the Human Resources department. He mentors CapitaLand's top young talent, and spearheads its innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship programme.
These industry veterans are also tapped for their experience to form the CapitaLand Counseling & Advisory Panel (CAP) in early 2010, providing an additional avenue for employees to seek advice, guidance, coaching and counselling on any work or career-related matters.
CapitaLand's global workforce comprises an almost equal proportion of males and females. The company has female employees represented at the senior management in the Company with five of them holding top positions such as CEO and Deputy CEO within the Group2.
CapitaLand's vibrant, motivated and qualified work force has given the Group a competitive edge. Over 60% of its employees hold tertiary qualifications and above (this includes holders of diploma, and bachelor's and master's degree qualifications).

1 The Tripartite Alliance for Fair Employment Practices (TAFEP) was formed in May 2006 to promote non-discriminatory employment practices and to shift mindsets among employers, employees and the general public towards fair employment practices for all workers. Members include employer representatives, union leaders and government officials.
2 Ms Jennie Chua, Chief Corporate Officer, CapitaLand Limited; Ms Lynette Leong, CEO, CapitaCommercial Trust Management Limited; Ms Sharon Lim, CEO, CapitaMalls Malaysia REIT Management Sdn. Bhd; Ms Ang Siew Yan, Deputy CEO, CapitaLand Financial Limited; Ms Jesline Goh, Deputy CEO, CapitaMall Trust Management Ltd.
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นางสาวประภาพรรณ วุ่นสุข
(22 Apr 14 16:16)
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Thursday 17 April 2014

Micro finance and consumer protection in small fund and saving ..growth up..both practice and policy

Micro finance   and consumer protection in small fund and saving ..growth up..and low debt..great insure..more trusty..right?

การออกแบบผลิตภัณฑ์ทางการเงิน ซึ่งอยู่ในภารกิจความรับผิดชอบของสำนักพัฒนาทุนและองค์กรการเงินชุมชน 

Networks/ MFIs
Financial institutions in Haiti belong to at least one of four main associations depending on the type of institution. A 2008 USAID directory of MFIs in Haiti breaks down three of the associations as follows:
Founded in 1998, ANACAPH unites financial cooperatives and credit unions across Haiti in order to promote the cooperative sector both nationally and internationally. Following the cooperative crisis of 2002, ANACAPH has stepped up its efforts to instill public confidence in its member organizations by demanding strict observance of applicable laws, democratic principles, and transparency. The organization’s mission also requires it to promote financial literacy among consumers. The association has eight main objectives:
  • Support the organization of credit unions and international cooperation among its members.
  • Represent its members to third parties and defend their interests.
  • Promote education on economic, social, and cooperative topics.
  • Promote the growth and development of its members by providing appropriate services.
  • Promote research studies on credit unions and the cooperative movement.
  • Promote cooperative values and respect for generally recognized principles.
  • Promote member adoption of and compliance with risk management standards.
  • Undertake activities to generate revenue and meet member expectations.
In addition to these objectives, ANACAPH offers trainings to its members on topics ranging from the legal and regulatory framework for cooperatives to professional ethics.
Network Details:
Year founded
Number of Member Institutions
Clients of Member Institutions
Assets of Member Institutions
US$44.1 million
Savings at Member Institutions
US$30 million
Loan Portfolio of Member Institutions
US$24.7 million
(2007 data)

The Client Protection Principles

Smart Microfinance is being fully transparent in the pricing, terms and conditions of all financial products. Smart Microfinance is working with clients so they do not borrow more money than they can repay or use products that they do not need. Smart Microfinance employs respectful collection practices and adopts high ethical standards in the treatment of clients. Smart Microfinance gives clients a way to address their complaints so they can be served more effectively. Smart Microfinance ensures client data remains private. Smart Microfinance protects clients, businesses, and the industry as a whole.
Smart Microfinance encompasses core Client Protection Principles to help microfinance institutions practice good ethics and smart business. The Client Protection Principles are the minimum standards that clients should expect to receive when doing business with a microfinance institution. These principles were distilled from the path-breaking work by providers, international networks, and national microfinance associations to develop pro-client codes of conduct and practices. There is consensus within the microfinance industry that providers of financial services should adhere to these core principles:
  • Appropriate product design and delivery
    Providers will take adequate care to design products and delivery channels in such a way that they do not cause clients harm. Products and delivery channels will be designed with client characteristics taken into account.
  • Prevention of over-indebtedness
    Providers will take adequate care in all phases of their credit process to determine that clients have the capacity to repay without becoming over-indebted. In addition, providers will implement and monitor internal systems that support prevention of overindebtedness and will foster efforts to improve market level credit risk management (such as credit information sharing).
  • Transparency
    Providers will communicate clear, sufficient and timely information in a manner and language clients can understand so that clients can make informed decisions. The need for transparent information on pricing, terms and conditions of products is highlighted.
  • Responsible pricing
    Pricing, terms and conditions will be set in a way that is affordable to clients while allowing for financial institutions to be sustainable. Providers will strive to provide positive real returns on deposits.
  • Fair and respectful treatment of clients
    Financial service providers and their agents will treat their clients fairly and respectfully. They will not discriminate. Providers will ensure adequate safeguards to detect and correct corruption as well as aggressive or abusive treatment by their staff and agents, particularly during the loan sales and debt collection processes.
  • Privacy of client data
    The privacy of individual client data will be respected in accordance with the laws and regulations of individual jurisdictions. Such data will only be used for the purposes specified at the time the information is collected or as permitted by law, unless otherwise agreed with the client.
  • Mechanisms for complaint resolution
    Providers will have in place timely and responsive mechanisms for complaints and problem resolution for their clients and will use these mechanisms both to resolve individual problems and to improve their products and services.

Download the revised Client Protection Principles »

Download the revised Client Protection Principles (French) »

Download the revised Client Protection Principles (Spanish) »

Download the revised Client Protection Principles (Azeri) »

Download the revised Client Protection Principles (Portuguese) »

Putting the Principles to Work: 
Detailed Guidance on the Client Protection Principles
This draft guidance is intended to engage participants in developing a consensus on the meaning and interpretation of each of the Client Protection Principles (CPPs). It gives general guidance on how each principle should be applied. The document begins with a general discussion of each principle and then discusses product-specific applications as the principle applies to credit, savings, payment services, and insurance. The discussions by product are at a relatively early stage of development. Detail will be added in the coming months, particularly in these areas: branchless banking, payments, savings, and microinsurance.
This is a working document, and comments are encouraged. Please address any comments to

Detailed Guidance on the Client Protection Principles »

Detailed Guidance on the Client Protection Principles (Spanish) »


Wednesday 9 April 2014

CDD Strategic plan for next 5 years ..Real Direction by public benefit?การประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการทบทวนยุทธศาสตร์กรมการพัฒนาชุมชน พ.ศ. 2555-2559

CDD Strategic plan for next 5 years ..Real Direction by public benefit?การประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการทบทวนยุทธศาสตร์กรมการพัฒนาชุมชน พ.ศ. 2555-2559

09 Apr 14 กองประชาสัมพันธ์ ขอเชิญรับชมวีดิทัศน์ การประชุมเชิงปฏิบัติการทบทวนยุทธศาสตร์กรมการพัฒนาชุมชน พ.ศ. 2555-2559 โดยวิทยากร ดร.รัฐ ธนาดิเรก อาจารย์พิเศษวิทยาลัยการจัดการ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล 7- 9 เม.ย. 2557 ณ โรงแรมหลุยส์ แทเวิร์น กรุงเทพฯ ที่ youtube กองประชา
Posted By :  นางสาวชณัทสรณ์ โพธิปิ่น  [กองประชาสัมพันธ์ กรมการพัฒนาชุมชน] - 09 Apr 14 15:09

09 Apr 14 โครงการพัฒนาศักยภาพและความเข้มแข็งชุมชน (พันล้าน)   Edit
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Posted By :  นายสรฤทธ จันสุข  [กองแผนงาน กรมการพัฒนาชุมชน] - 09 Apr 14 13:06

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